We are all about resourcing and empowering the local church to become a healthy, growing, multiplying church.
Let's Partner Together
We offer three strategic resources to empower the local church to become a healthy, growing, multiplying church.
1. Relationships
No Pastor and Staff should struggle by doing ministry alone. We offer coaches that are successful practitioners in each department. These coaches also facilitate a peer learning community that allows you to belong on a team, discover best practices, and form deep relationships.
3. Results
Churches that join Compassion Network, on average, will increase in Attendance, Volunteers, Salvations, Baptisms, Guests, and Finances by a minimum of 20% by the end of the first full year. In addition to tangible measurable, we believe the congregation, staff, and pastor will grow spiritually, and will have a more enhanced focus toward accomplishing the Great Commission by belonging to a Network of like-minded leaders.
Check out these sample resources from the Creative Team at Compassion Network.

Help Wanted
Sermon Series
Final Battle
Students Event

Graduation Sunday

Birthday Bash
Kids Event

Mind Monsters
Sermon Series

Into The Wild
Kids Event

Game Day
Recruitment Wave

Father's Day

Games People Play
Sermon Series

Squad Wars
Students Event

Christmas Wave
21 Days Of Prayer
Prayer Event
rESOURCES FOR all departments
The Connections Department is a vital part of Compassion Church. Most people will decide if they will revisit a church within the first 7 minutes of arriving at church! It is our vision that we give the greatest first impression possible by creating an atmosphere where people feel loved, accepted and welcomed.
At Compassion Church we believe in reaching children right where they are. That’s why we strive to create an atmosphere filled with fun, laughter, and above all, the word of God. Our programs are designed to attract the hearts of children in such a way that they truly want to come back each week to meet with God and learn about Him in creative (and sometimes even messy) ways.
The Compassion Worship Department believes that by focusing on growth, development, and healthy culture we can create an atmosphere of worship where people can experience the presence of God. The Worship Department oversees vocalists, musicians, production, and in-service creative elements, which can include spoken words, videos, dramas, sermon illustrations, and other skits used throughout the year to help deliver points or themes in a message or sermon series.